
11 August 2009, 04:29

The sign of the times show that anyone has an opinion about anything; it’s more and more rare that you actually hear people say simply “I don’t know”.
Aris Lambrianidis





10 February 2009, 13:18 not about acting in a way that benefits solely you. It’s about acting in a way that benefits solely you and in doing so affects negatively others.

Aris Lambrianidis




Why is it..

17 August 2008, 04:56

..on movies that the girl always makes the first move on the boy?

Aris Lambrianidis


Comment [2]


The hourglass

27 May 2008, 19:54

Grains of sand, passing through a bottleneck at uneven rates. Sometimes you see the flow rushing to the bottom like an angry river. Others it’s almost as if gravity got tired of its work and wanted to experiment with something new.

It’s funny when you want time to go by quicker you tap the glass, rotate it, shake it as to disrupt the fall. Maybe if you want to stall you give it an angle that isn’t discernible from the absolute vertical to the unsuspecting viewer.

Sand, trapped within sand.

Aris Lambrianidis




First Post

12 March 2008, 14:48

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec rutrum est eu mauris. In volutpat blandit felis. Suspendisse eget pede. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Quisque sed arcu. Aenean purus nulla, condimentum ac, pretium at, commodo sit amet, turpis. Aenean lacus. Ut in justo. Ut viverra dui vel ante. Duis imperdiet porttitor mi. Maecenas at lectus eu justo porta tempus. Cras fermentum ligula non purus. Duis id orci non magna rutrum bibendum. Mauris tincidunt, massa in rhoncus consectetuer, lectus dui ornare enim, ut egestas ipsum purus id urna. Vestibulum volutpat porttitor metus. Donec congue vehicula ante.

Aris Lambrianidis




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